Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pregnancy: Weeks 5-8

5 Weeks! September 19, 2012

Most of this week was spent as a nervous wreck. I lost a lot of sleep between worry and excitement. I was terrified that I would miscarry. It was as if the moment I knew I had this little baby, he was mine, and I was so scared he would be taken away from me. I started making calls to find a doctor and get set up with everything pregnancy-related that I could. I just wanted to DO SOMETHING to make it real. It seemed like a dream. I wanted time to fly by so that I could start telling people and seeing my belly grow....anything! I wanted to rush into all of the exciting things about pregnancy! I had all of this excitement!!!! I couldn't talk about it with anyone, so mostly I read A LOT about pregnancy and drove Jake crazy.

6 Weeks! September 26, 2012

If I remember right, I had a breakdown this week. I was really sad that I hadn't lost the weight I wanted to PRIOR to getting pregnant. I had always wanted to be a cute pregnant woman and instead I felt like I was just going to be a huge blob. I wanted to take my weekly pictures, but I felt like I already could have looked 5 months pregnant. (I'm (mostly) over that now.) I was starting to feel a little tired, bloated and nauseated.

7 Weeks! October 3, 2012

Hello, morning sickness! Or, general-feel-lousy-and-not-want-to-eat-anything-all-day sickness! Food was not my friend this week. On the bright side, we decided to start telling family.

My mom and dad: I told them back in week 5 because I NEEDED to talk to my mom. I told both her and dad over Skype, but I made sure not to just come out and tell them. I made dad guess and I built the suspense up for mom.
Jake's mom and Nana: I walked out with a sign over my belly that read "no vacancy until May 2013."
My siblings: I called Ryan and Rachelle to tell them. For Ross, who's bday was on the 5th, we sent a card from Jake, Becky and Baby Bourne.
Jake's dad's family: We went to the cabin for General Conference to see them. We told them we had a game to play and it was kind of a role-playing game where everyone had a character on their back and they had to guess who they were by asking other people yes and no questions. I switched out the name tags with one's that sad, "grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt, etc." It was late and everyone was a little tired, but it eventually sunk in for everyone!

8 Weeks! October 10, 2012

We got to go have our "nurse's consult" this week. FINALLY I felt like I was DOING something! Of course, it really just consisted of getting a lot of my health info and I got to ask a few questions, but it felt like a step in the right direction. Funny story: I really hadn't had too many emotional pregnancy moments, but as I was getting ready for my appointment, I started feeling sad about not being a small, cute pregnant girl again. I started crying and couldn't get myself to stop! I felt like a moron in the waiting room and consult because I kept tearing up and crying. Darn pregnancy hormones!

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